- 518-691-0428
- info@redbuddevelopment.com
Glen Lake - Featured Project
The main goal of the client located in Glen Lake, NY was to demolish an existing dilapidated residence on their lake front property and redevelop the site to be their new home away from home.
The owners recognized that developing a coherent design and a comprehensive construction plan was of paramount importance. They also understood that their project was going to be a labor of love as well as one fraught with restrictions and challenges. So they made the strategic move to put together a design team that would collaborate to help them plan for the renovation of their property. The team was comprised of Geff Redick of Redbud Design LA, Tom Jarrett of Jarrett Engineers, PLLC (a storm water management engineer) and Jonathan Booth, an architect from the client’s home base of New Jersey.
- To develop a coherent design for the house and property that would be in keeping with the relaxed lakeside character of Glen Lake, the surrounding community and most importantly, the personality of the clients. Located in the jurisdiction of Queensbury, NY, there were a significant number of restrictions and limitations on the property that needed be considered.
- Integrate an approximate 6,500 square foot home with a three car garage connected via a breezeway
- New septic system, drilled well and associated utilities
- Storm water management system designed to be sensitive to the site as well as current regulations
- New driveway
- Retaining walls and stairs to access the lake
- Rain gardens and low maintenance plant materials locally sourced
- Associated walks, patios and general lounging areas that would have a strong physical and visual connection to the house and lake
- Shoreline and property line setbacks coupled with the location of a National Grid power-line easement that virtually bisected the property allowed for an extremely small footprint for the new structure and landscape
- Steep site – the property has very steep slopes between the proposed house location and the lakeshore requiring smart mitigation
- Salvage and protect a number of large mature oak and birch trees presently on the property
- Budget considerations – as with any project the owner had established an overall budget for the total project and wanted to maximize the money they were intending to put forward
- The design team started work in the fall of 2011 with a goal of presenting for approvals from the Town of Queensbury in the spring of 2012. By spring, all of the design elements were finalized and it was clear that we would need to request a variance due to a sideline setback and also defend our storm water and site plan improvements to get the proper approvals to build. Since we had a thorough and well thought out design, we received the variance approvals in just one round of meetings.
As the targeted construction date was only a few months away Redbud’s role shifted from design to construction. During this shift we worked with the owners to secure final construction permits, finalize construction budgets and define the construction teams. Redbud made up half of the construction team focused on implementing the site work while the house project manager remained responsible for the house. The two distinct entities worked together to define a schedule and pool resources. Construction commenced with the demolition of the existing home a few days after Labor Day.
September through December
- Salvage – elements of the home salvaged and given to those in need
- Erosion & sediment controls installed
- Demolition – house, garage, specific trees & salvaged existing retaining walls for reuse
- Well drilled
- Foundation dug, poured, formed & backfilled
- First Floor Deck
- Lakeside walls & slab stairs constructed
- Lakeside storm water management piping installed
- Lakeside rain gardens installed
- Lakeside plant materials & irrigation system installed
- Lakeside sod installation
- Lakeside storm water controls installed (for winter months)
- Timber frame package delivered & erected
- SIP panels & roof delivered & installed
- Roof shingled & siding installed
- National Grid – power pole relocated with new power, cable & telephone service installed
- Window package delivered & installed
- Septic Tanks (3) – installed
- Power Into House
- Garage & Breezeway – foundation dug, poured & backfilled
- Garage & Breezeway – framed & weather tight
- Street Side Storm Water Management System – 50% installed
January through July
- House Interior – finished
- Garage Interior & Exterior – finished
- Septic field – installed
- Street Side Storm Water Management System – remaining 50% installed
- Propane Tank – installed
- Street side plant materials – installed
- Street side irrigation system – installed
- Street side sod – installed
- Street side mulch – installed
- Driveway – installed
- Two distinct construction entities (house & site) sharing construction resources to implement a fully organized and planned project allows for streamlining work flows, reducing costs and completing the project on target and within budget
- Materials ordering was easier and with significantly less waste – which helped reduce costs
- Customization and onsite refinements were easier to implement due to design team involvement on site on a daily or weekly basis
- The construction of approximately 5,000 square feet of house, a three car garage and all of the site work were completed in approximately 10 months.